The Bump Family Story
My son completed 8 weeks of ISR training during the summer of 2010. He was just 1 year old. We went on a family vacation. One afternoon I took him to the pool at our hotel. He had a great time in the water, but then he wanted to explore the pool deck. He was just getting good at walking. He was walking next the pool, with me right behind him. He took one wrong step and fell right into the pool. I jumped in after him and just as he rolled onto his back I grabbed him. It wasn’t until later that I realized he had rolled all on his own. This was just a false step, but I got to see that he really did know what to do if he fell in water.

Forever Grateful
My boy is alive today thanks to Infant Swimming Resources. As soon as I heard ISR started in Puerto Rico, I registered my daughter Adriana. She was two years old at the time. During the same time Adriana was taking classes, I got pregnant with my second child. From my experience with Adriana, I knew that for my second child, Ian, there was no better option than ISR. Ian started his lessons when he turned one year old and he was doing the sequence perfectly just a couple of
weeks later. When Ian turned two, I took both of my children to their refreshers. Both of them did the swim-float-swim sequence even better than the first time. I was so amazed with their progress and, at the same time, grateful because I knew they were going to be safe around the water. A month later, my family and I went to my in-laws’ house to celebrate Mother’s Day. My husband took Ian to the computer room, while I helped in the kitchen preparing for lunch. I went outside to prepare the table and, inadvertently, left the backyard door open. In a glimpse of a second, Ian passed us by and went directly to the pool. Nobody knew the worst was yet to come. When I went back outside to set the table, I saw Ian all wet. At the moment, I was in complete shock. I did not know what to think or do. Immediately, I asked him what had happened and he said: “Mommy, I fell in the pool, floated and swam”. I began crying and screaming desperately. Everyone was as shock as I was to hear what just had happened. Up to that moment, my husband had not realized that Ian was not with him anymore. My son was completely calmed after the incident, which gave me a lot of strength. ISR was definitely the best decision my husband and I have ever made for our children. ISR saved my son’s life. If it wasn’t for ISR and Wanda Blanco, our instructor, I may have not spent another Mother’s Day with my son, Ian. I can honestly say that he is alive because of what they taught him and for that I will be eternally grateful. You have changed so many lives in so many good ways, especially for my family, because we didn’t have to live though the horror of losing a child.
– Forever grateful, Keila C.
You Just Can’t Be Too Safe
The Mile’s story video was sent to me when I was pregnant and although I thought it was amazing it wasn’t until later an instructor in our area was introduced to my husband. We completed ISR when my daughter was a year old and my son was two. We have a pool and like all parents I was deathly afraid despite having a Catch a Kid Net. My husband and I both work in public safety and unfortunately have seen first hand how deadly water even with the most good intentioned parents. I’ve seen kids defeat gates, fences, locks etc…. My kids are five and three now and dive into the deep end for dive sticks. So many people have been amazed by the skills my children learned five other families have signed up as a result of seeing first hand how this program works. I write this all because if there is a parent on the fence as to whether they should or should not do this I can’t say enough how much they should. Water safety is not just an alarm, just a fence, just a swim lesson it has to have multiple layers of safety and what better layer then to have your child being prepared to go in if all the other layers fail.
– Arndt Family
It Can Happen To Anybody
I was hesitant, and even embarrassed to write this note, but I thought about it and decided that I would be a fool if I didn’t…. Basically, the worst thing happened on Thanksgiving day. Something I thought would “never” happen to me (us) because I am one of “those” moms. The Kind of Mom who tries to think of every situation that can cause harm to My son and I do my best to prevent it. Well, it happened…. my 2 1/2 year old fell in a pool. I was with some family/friends, and we were all going to take a walk to the park. So I got my son dressed; jacket, shoes,…etc… and then I went to go get dressed. We were all doing something and not watching him, so he decided to go out the back door and play by the pool with his tractor toy. I was in the other room, but when I came out to bring him his gloves, my family member had him wrapped in a towel, soaking wet, saying she just pulled him out of the pool!! She was panicked and he was crying, but he was ok! He wasnt choking, or panicking and was found floating on his back with his head above water yelling, “IM COLD! HELP IM COLD”. I had to hold my tears back because I did not want him to be afraid of the water, so I simply said (while squeezing him tight), “OH no silly! Did you fall in the pool?!” He whined a little and said “yes! my tractor fall in the pool!”…. Now ISR teaches them to hold their breath, roll to their back and float. THAT IS WHAT HE DID, FULLY CLOTHED! I am so proud, but I was also feeling so terrible and Of course blaming myself and couldn’t help but think of the “what if’s”…… So that is why I am sharing this story. So there are no “what if’s” for all of you. ISR saved my baby. PLEASE GET YOUR BABIES I.S.R. SWIM TRAINED!!! Thank you to Frankie Bell for teaching my baby how to survive in the water and for saving his life.
– Mandy